October 10, 2008 / Labels: Health Benefits, Infrared Sauna
Infrared Sauna Tips - Size Does Matter
Infrared saunas have many health benefits and buying an infrared sauna is quite simple; however it is important to keep a few things in mind. The infrared heater is perhaps the most important part of the whole kit. The quality of the infrared heater determines the quality of the sauna. The heater is the engine behind the sauna and as a consequence it determines the performance.
Here are a few points to be remembered while buying an infrared heater:
Surface heat: The surface heat of the infrared heater should be as low as it can be. This is because lower the surface heat, higher the far infrared. Far infrared is the main ingredient in the infrared heater since that is more relaxing and rejuvenating.
Size is important: It's easy to understand that a bigger infrared heater means a better infrared production. The bigger heater has bigger surface area. The bigger the surface area, lesser the infrared heat and more far infrared production. Hence buy a big heater to get the maximum benefits of the infrared sauna.
Apart from these points, it's important to look for a heater that does not shut itself off when it reaches the desired temperature, rather it lowers the voltage. You also need to find cabinets made of solid wood and groove.
Infrared saunas are a great investment in terms of health. These types of saunas can cure your medical problems and also provide the therapeutic effects of the infrared rays without the accompanying ultra violet rays.
To learn more about infrared saunas select one of the links provided.
Save 60% On Infrared saunas.

September 29, 2008 / Labels: Health Benefits, Home Saunas, Infrared Sauna
Home Saunas can make you health?
Are There Health Benefits Associated With Saunas? - What Are The Dangers?
Traditional saunas provide a number of benefits, including alleviation of stiffness and pain from arthritis. They also cleanse the skin and body of toxins by inducing the person in the sauna to sweat heavily. These types of saunas provide steam and therefore can also be used to relieve congestion or other respiratory problems from such things as bronchial infections, colds, et cetera.
Because infrared saunas do not give off any steam, they are not as effective in helping breathing problems as traditional saunas are. However, they are as effective as traditional saunas when used for sweating purposes and to ease the pain of arthritis or other stiffness.
In addition, infrared radiation heat is supposed to have unique healing properties that are not reportedly found in conventional saunas' radiant heat.
Those who are supporters of infrared radiation say that it goes deep into the body's internal organs and muscular tissues so that toxins are released and the immune system is strengthened.
Some Advantages
Infrared saunas do have some advantages over traditional steam saunas. They operate at a lower heat level and therefore, some may find them more comfortable than traditional saunas.
This lower heat level also translates into less energy consumption, so infrared saunas are much cheaper to operate. They also heat up much more quickly than conventional saunas do. This is another reason they are less expensive to operate.
In addition, traditional saunas create hot dry air that can be uncomfortable to breathe. Because infrared saunas don't heat up the air, the air itself remains cool and will stay roughly the same temperature inside the sauna as outside.
Some Disadvantages
Some users of infrared saunas say that they do not provide the same feelings of relaxation and refreshment as a traditional sauna does. Because there is no steam in an infrared sauna, this may be an advantage or disadvantage, depending on what you prefer.
It's true that steam can be useful if you need respiratory relief, but because the normal air in a traditional sauna is drier, this is also uncomfortable for some people to breathe.
To learn more about infrared saunas select one of the links below.
http://www.all-about-saunas.com Save 60% On Infrared saunas. Learn more about the Far Infrared Sauna Benefits. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benjamin_Wise |
September 24, 2008 / Labels: Health Benefits
Your Own Home Personal Sauna
A lot of people want to take advantage of the benefits of regular sauna sessions. However, their lifestyle makes it hard for them to go somewhere and use a public sauna or they just want privacy while in the sauna. Having a home sauna is a great solution for someone that wants to have their own sauna so that they can enjoy the privacy of being in their own home as well as the convenience of being able to fit it around their busy lifestyle.
There is a couple of ways you can go about having a home sauna. The first one that I will explain is a sauna that is already built for you. These are quite a bit easier to install than sauna kits. One of the best parts of getting a sauna that has already been built is that it has already been put together in several large pieces that you just have to fit together, much like a puzzle. This option is great if you want to be able to move your sauna to a new location. This is a great way to save time, although this can be a more expensive option when you are wanting to get your own home sauna.
The second option that you have is purchasing a sauna kit. Simply put, this is a package that includes all of the pieces that you will need to build your home sauna. All you need is a few tools to help you put the sauna kit together. It is actually a pretty simple process to build your own home sauna by using a sauna kit. This is the more cost-effective approach of having your own home sauna and it is also what is used for many do-it-yourself projects.
You can also invite your friends and family to take part in a sauna session at your home.
If you had a tense and stressful day, kick your home sauna on and relax. This will help loosen your tight muscles allowing you to feel rejuvenated. Everyone needs to wind down and get their body to feeling better after a hard day at work. Your home sauna will be waiting for you to come home and relax with a refreshing sauna session.
By being at your home, you can promote good health on your own time schedule. In this day in age, lives seem to get pretty hectic and sometimes we never know when we will get a break from it. This makes it harder to go to a public facility to have your regular sauna session. By having a home sauna you will be able to have a sauna session any time of the day or night. You will no longer have to drive across town and use the public sauna.
Having a home sauna is a great addition that you can easily make to your house. The personal and health benefits are truly worth having your own home sauna. When you first install a home sauna, there are some techniques that you need to keep in mind. Make sure that you research installing a sauna before you decide to commit to this type of project.
Thomas Oak writes articles for http://www.hot-sauna.com/ if you are in the market for a new personal sauna stop and take a look at what of all the latest information on new saunas and infrared sauna heaters for your home.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Oak
/ Labels: Health Benefits
Sauna Session Tips
It is only recently that I have started to take the sauna session seriously. My goal was to find out the actual benefits of regular sauna use. In the past I would just take a sauna here and there and not stay in it longer than five minutes
So I decided to take longer periods of time in the sauna. Firstly this sauna is a traditional sauna. This sauna uses a gas heater. The heat can be pretty extreme. In the past I would workout and then take a sauna, but I found myself being uncomfortable. This happened because I would go into the sauna after a swim and be breathing fast. Being slightly claustrophobic I found myself struggling for air and as a consequence I had to leave within five minutes.
Now I do a small cardio workout for fifteen minutes and then go directly to the sauna. I take a shower first and at times spend a little time in the steam room before the sauna session. This has helped a lot.
My advice when starting a sauna session is to relax. Start your sessions off at five minutes and slowly increase from there. Start to increase your time increments after four to seven sessions.
It is said that you can burn a lot of calories in just one 30 minute sauna session. If you do workout first take a few minutes to relax and take a shower before your sauna session. Fluid consumption should start even before your sauna session is finished. Just like anything else don’t over do it.
In the traditional sense a sauna session is a social affair in which people disrobe and sit in temperatures of over 80°C. Cleaning up after a sauna session is an important part in the traditional sauna process. Also this time of year a sauna can help in preventing colds and flu. Remember the goal is to relax and cleanse from the inside out.
Paul Hegarty is the owner of All-About-Saunas.com your guide to Saunas. Learn more about the sauna session. Read more about the infrared sauna. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Hegarty |
September 18, 2008 / Labels: Health Benefits
Infrared Saunas Might Be the Secret to Your Health and Longevity
Infrared saunas penetrate your body and bring out the bad stuff. In a time when everyone is looking for the healthy edge infrared saunas just might offer a nice replacement into hard works outs and running for miles to stay in shape.
Infrared saunas are designed to heat the body and not the air. The unique design of infrared saunas uses heaters that emit infrared radiant heaters to warm the users. Many saunas use steam and heat the air. This article will look closer at infrared saunas.
What are Infrared Saunas Made Of?
Most infrared saunas are made of wooden boxes or can also be found in a small wood lined room. They are very relaxing to sit in, but you must be careful to not sit in them for long extended periods of time. One benefit of a infrared saunas is that they can be open air and still heat your body.
How Do Infrared Saunas Work?
Infrared light is a type of light that is visible to the human eye. Whereas ultra violet is a different type of light and is not visible to the human eye. You can feel the sensation of infrared light when you are outside in the sunshine. That warm feeling that you feel on a nice hot day is infrared light. It can be very comforting to our skin. The heat is actually heating your body and penetrating your skin.
What is The Difference?
Traditional saunas are designed to use water to create steam. The heaters in a traditional sauna will heat the water or air and then the steam heats your body. You may be familiar with sauna rooms where you pour water on hot rocks. This is not the case with infrared saunas they do not use water or create steam.
The reason that this type of sauna is so beneficial to the body is that by heating your body it will produce a nice sweat that will help to clean out your pours. You may also notice that an infrared sauna is not as hot as other saunas as it does not need to be so hot to make your body perspire.
The argument by many is that infrared saunas are one of the best ways for you to detoxify your body. Many health experts say that we simply do not do enough cleaning of our systems to be truly healthy. Perhaps an investment into infrared saunas might be the answer to some of your health issues.
If you need more helpful Sauna information then quickly head over to http://saunasforyou.com where you will find helpful sauna tips, advice and resources to include home saunas, portable saunas and more Infrared Saunas information.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Turner